
Expansive Compassion Guided Meditation with Smile Down

Subscriber Episode October 17, 2023 Dr. Colleen Pearson

Subscriber-only episode

This week's guided meditation is an Expansive Compassion one. It takes us through focusing on each part of our bodies to see where we hold discomfort. Then, we send compassion to that part so we can feel what it's like. 

Expansive compassionate meditation is often associated with various traditional and modern mindfulness and meditation practices, including Metta (Loving-Kindness Meditation) and Tonglen (a Tibetan Buddhist practice). The goal is to cultivate a more compassionate and empathetic outlook on life, which can have positive effects on one's emotional well-being and relationships with others.

Thanks for listening, 

Dr. Colleen

This meditation has Buddhist themes. 

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