
Full Body Breath with Your Favorite Color

Subscriber Episode December 12, 2023 Dr. Colleen Pearson

Subscriber-only episode

Focusing on your favorite color can create a sense of personal connection and positive emotion during meditation. It adds a subjective and enjoyable aspect to the practice. Colors are often associated with different emotions. Meditating on your favorite color can evoke positive emotions, enhance mood, and contribute to emotional well-being. a highly personalized experience. It tailors the practice to individual preferences, making it more enjoyable and meaningful.

Favorite color meditation often involves visualizing the color in different ways, such as a vibrant light or surrounding yourself with it. This can enhance your ability to visualize and imagine, which can have broader benefits in various aspects of life. Being fully present in the experience of the color helps train your mind to stay in the present moment. Some people find that focusing on their favorite color stimulates creativity. It can be a source of inspiration and may help open up new ideas and perspectives.

Thank you for listening, 

Dr. Colleen

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